Principal Agent
While I have never really been an agent of multiple principals myself, I do know that my father acts as one due to his job. My father works at IBM, working both to secure deals and to help with both designing and implementing things that client companies want. To this end, he is an agent of both IBM and the client company that he is working with. While I do not know the specifics of what he is instructed to do for the companies, I can only assume that my father’s goal as an IBM agent is to gain a deal that is the most beneficial to IBM while at the same time making sure that the client company is getting the service they desire while not spending enough money and effort to make the deal not worth it. In simpler terms, one side is trying to spend less for a service while the other is trying to get more for performing that service. Attempting to reach a middle ground is the role my father performs. In this case, despite the inherent contradiction between the two objectives, it is simply...